Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover (Solution)

Today, our society faces a ridiculous amount of issues that everyone has to try and face together, but we can only change if everyone makes an effort to become better.  Stereotyping is a huge issue in our world today because so many people think it goes unnoticed, and don't care what they say about others as long as they can't hear them. The world we live in has an incredibly long way to go with eliminating stereotypes, but if we all follow some simple guidelines, then maybe we can slowly deteriorate stereotypes for good. First, follow the simple saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover," because you have absolutely no idea what that person has been going through in their lives, so make it easier on them by not talking about them behind their backs.  Next, eliminate stereotyping with others.  This is a simple fix.  Even if you are judging someone in your head, don't share it with the person next to you because then it won't be passed on; eliminate it at the source.  The following step is to remember the golden rule, "Treat others the way you want to be treated."  We have all heard this phrase ever since we were little children, and it ties in perfectly on how to stop stereotyping. When you are about to come to a judgement or stereotype about a person, think about how it feels to have people judging you in their head. Doing this will immediately distract you from thinking negative thoughts about someone. Then instead of the negativity, try to think of something positive about that person.  For instance, if someone is walking down the street wearing torn shoes, ripped pants, and their hair is all messed up, don't think, "Man, they look horrible." Instead think of something positive to point out like, "Man, I really like their backpack" or even hoping they have a good rest of their day.  Following these simple steps can help eliminate stereotypes for good, which in turn will make our society a better one to live in. So I have a challenge for all of you out there. Next time you want to stereotype someone, think about this blog and what it feels like for you to be stereotyped.  Then, maybe instead, ask that person how their day is, or even smile. Doing this can completely remove stereotyping from our society, and then we will all know how to not judge a book by its cover.

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